AD | American Dynamics | IMS | Inventory Maintenance Subsystem |
API | Application Program Interface | IP | Internet Protocol |
AVL | Automated Vehicle Location | ITN | Invitation to Negotiate |
BMS | Beacon Managment Subsystem | ITS | Intelligent Transportation Systems |
C2C | Center-To-Center | IV&V | Independent Verification and Validation |
CAD | Computer Aided Dispatch | MAS | Message Arbitration Subsystem |
CCTV | Closed Circuit Television | MCP | Manual Control Panel |
CD | Compact Disk | NTCIP | National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol |
CFE | Configuration File Editor | PTZ | Pan-Tilt-Zoom |
CFX | Central Florida Expressway Authority | RITIS | Regional Integrated Transportation Information System |
COTS | Commercial-Off-The-Shelf | RMS | Ramp Meter Subsystem |
CVS | Connected Vehicle Subsystem | RPG | Response Plan Generator |
DAR | Data Archive for RITIS | RTMC | Regional Transportation Management Center |
DLL | Dynamics Link Library | RWIS | Road Weather Information Subsystem |
DMS | Dynamic Message Sign | SAA | Software Administration Application |
DNS | Domain Name Service | SAS | Scheduled Actions Subsystem |
DOM | Document Object Model | SB | Safety Barrier |
DOT | Department of Transportation | SPARR | Smart Phone Application for Road Rangers |
DST | Daylight Savings Time | SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
DTN | Data Transmission Network | SwRI | Southwest Research InstituteĀ® |
EH | Executive Handler | TAM | Traffic Advisory Message |
EM | Event Management | TERL | Traffic Engineering Research Lab |
ESRI | Environmental Systems Research Institute | TMC | Traffic Management Center |
EV | Event Viewer | TSM&O | Transportation Systems Management and Operations |
FAT | Factory Acceptance Test | TSS | Transportation Sensor Subsystem |
FDOT | Florida Department of Transportation | TVT | Travel Time Subsystem |
FHP | Florida Highway Patrol | TxDOT | Texas Department of Transportation |
FL-ATIS | Florida's Advanced Travel Information System | URI | Universal Resource Identifier |
FP | Footprints | VDD | Version Description Document |
FTE | Florida's Turnpike Enterprise | VLC | Video LAN Client |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | VOD | Video On Desktop |
GAC | Global Assembly Cache | VS | Video Switching |
GUI | Graphical User Interface | VSL | Variable Speed Limit |
HAR | Highway Advisory Radio | VW | Video Wall |
ICD | Interface Control Document | W3 | World Wide Web Consortium |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment | WPF | Windows Presentation Foundation |
IDS | Incident Detection Subsystem | WWD | Wrong-Way Driving |
IIS | Internet Information Services | XAML | Extensible Application Markup Language |
IM | Incident Management | XML | Extensible Markup Language |